Contact Us

Denton Volunteer Fire Company
400 South Fifth Ave
Denton, MD 21629

Telephone: 410-479-2121

Contact Us

Live Dispatch

Listen to live fire-
ground operations
from the Caroline
County Center


Make a donation to the Denton
Volunteer Fire Company and help us
to continue helping our community!


George Bacorn

Jack Bacorn

Alyssa Berneski

Dylan Berneski

Mary Berneski

William Blessing

Dustin Brandt

Lester Branson

Kimberly Brazerol

Jacob Brown

Nicolette Brumfield

Austin Ciotola

Josh Collison

Ben Davis

Jeff Davis

Ben Dilworth

Adam Duer

Melia Duer

Christian Falkenhan

Garrett Falkenhan

Daniel Farmer Grace

Robert Fearins

Tracy Ferguson

Dylan Finlay

William Finlay

Dennis Foskey

Stephanie Frankhouser

Mike Frazer

Alyssa Fretterd

Jake Fretterd

Zoe Fretterd

Wayne Fretterd Sr

Forrest Geisel

Gary Geisel

Aaron Grauel

John Howe

Ziy'Aira Hudson

Dennis Huff

Rhonda Jordan

Brenden Langford

Zachary Leaf

Allen Mason

Terry McAllister

Christopher McDonald

Brianna McTague

Harrison Miller

Hunter Moore

Jonathan Moore

Kelsey Moran

Lauren Morgan

Grady Motter

Lindsay Mowbray

Haley Neuwiller

Bryan North

Danny North

Mason Pate

Bella Plugge

Zach Reid

Marquis Roberts

Douglas Robinson

Lilyan Robinson

Melinda Robinson

Crystal Robison

Elizabeith Ross

Robert Russell

Thomas Russell

A.J. Russum

William Russum

Nick Rust

Chase Sard

Cheryl Satterfield

Kerry Sefton

Edward Semans

Edward Smith

Gary Stoltz

Genevieve Stoltz

Jakob Stoltz

Lukas Stoltz

Donald Thrift

Eric Thrift

Chris Vickers

Kelly Vickers

Susan Vickers

Mindy Wieber

Ronald Wieber

Christopher Zdobysz