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Denton Volunteer Fire Company
400 South Fifth Ave
Denton, MD 21629

Telephone: 410-479-2121

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Fatal Bicycle Accident on 328

Sunday, June 1, 2014

On Sunday June 2nd, around 1 in the afternoon, Station 300 was alerted for a Rescue local on 328. Rescue 300 got out the door fast with 6. While units were enroute to the incident, Caroline advised there was a bicycle and auto involved. PM 14 arrived on scene and immediately called for the trooper. Rescue 300 arrived on scene (Lt Baer) officer 322 took 328 command. Command advised 400 company to shut down the road and set up the LZ. Rescue 300 and PM14 crew worked fast to evaluate and package the severly injured patient. Trooper 6 transported one adult patient to Shock Trauma where he later succumbed to his injuries. PM14 transported 1 adult patient to Easton hospital. Units cleaned up and returned to service.

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