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Denton Volunteer Fire Company
400 South Fifth Ave
Denton, MD 21629

Telephone: 410-479-2121

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MVC with entrapment

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Around 8 o'clock in the morning, Denton Volunteers were alerted for an MVC with entrapment on Mitchell Rd. Rescue 300, Engine 304, Ambulance 391 and PM 13 responded to the call. Ambulance 391 arrived on on scene and confirmed a single pick-up truck into a tree with serious intrusion on the driver side. Ambulance 391 immediately requested aviation transport. Caroline advised aviation was enroute with a 15 min ETA. Rescue 300 arrived and Captain Berneski (318) took command and the crew went to work, removing the passenger door so crews could access the patient. Crews were fast to extricate and package the patient. Trooper 6 arrived and the patient was transported priority 2 to shock trauma. Crews cleaned up and went in service.

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