On Saturday June 1, 2013 at approx. 1600 hours, Denton Volunteers were alerted for MVC at the intersection of Knifebox Rd. and Burrsville Rd. With a quick response, Rescue 300, Ambulance 392, Engine 304 and Paramedic 13 were on the road responding. While enroute, all units were advised that it was a serious MVC with rollover and entraptment. Ambulance 392 arrived first on scene advising 2 vehicles: 1 on its roof but no entraptment, multiple patients. Rescue 300 and Engine 304 arrived Captain Berneski (318) took command and crews went to work assisting with patient packaging and road cleanup. Ambulance 392 transported 1 pediatric patient BLS and PM 13 transported 2 pediatric patients BLS. All patients were transported to Easton Memorial with minor injuries. 318 cancelled command and all 300 units returned to service.